Unlocking the Full Potential of Remote Raid Passes in Pokemon GO

Title: Unlocking the Full Potential of Remote Raid Passes in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO players have a lot to consider before making the most of their Remote Raid Passes.

Raids have proven to be an exhilarating gameplay feature in Pokemon GO, allowing trainers to test their skills against formidable Pokemon either solo or in groups. The presence of a large Egg or a floating Pokemon above a Gym signifies an impending Raid, presenting players with the opportunity to catch even the rarest and most legendary Pokemon. However, participating in a Raid requires a Raid Pass.

There are two types of Raid Passes in Pokemon GO: the regular one, which can only be utilized within close proximity of the Gym, and the Remote Raid Pass. As the name suggests, Remote Raid Passes grant trainers the ability to join a Raid from anywhere, without the need for physical presence near the Gym. These Remote Raid Passes, however, are not easily obtained in the game and should be used judiciously to avoid wastage.


Unveiling the Intricacies of Remote Raid Passes Unlike regular Raid Passes, which players receive for free each day, as long as they do not already possess one in their inventory, Remote Raid Passes can only be purchased. They are available individually for 195 Poke Coins, or trainers can opt for the bundle of 3 Remote Raid Passes for 525 Poke Coins. Niantic, the developers of Pokemon GO, recently raised these prices from 100 and 300 Poke Coins, respectively, as an incentive for players to engage in Raids in-person, encouraging physical activity.

Alternatively, trainers can acquire a Remote Raid Pass by purchasing the Remote Raid Box, which contains 2 Remote Raid Passes and 5 Hyper Potions, all for 315 Poke Coins. These boxes are available for a limited time in the Shop section of the game.


It is important to note that each Raid can accommodate a maximum of 5 Remote Raid Battlers in a single day. If a Gym Lobby already has 5 Battlers utilizing Remote Raid Passes, the 6th or subsequent trainers attempting to join the Raid will be unable to do so.

Unfortunately, these decisions have not been met with unanimous approval from the community. Many Pokemon GO players residing in remote areas have expressed difficulties in participating in Raids due to the distant proximity of gyms. Furthermore, the limitation of 5 Remote Raid Battlers per Raid makes it more challenging for hosts facing powerful Raid Bosses, including Legendary and Mythical Pokemon.

Here’s How to Utilize a Remote Raid Pass Efficiently:

Select the bar displaying three nearby Pokemon using the Binoculars icon on the main screen.
Tap on the Raid tab.

Choose any ongoing Raid and select “BATTLE” using a Remote Raid Pass.

Identifying the Perfect Raids for Remote Raid Passes Despite the limitation of 5 Battlers per Raid, Remote Raid Passes can be used for any type of Raid. The ideal time to utilize them is when a desirable Pokemon Raid is taking place nearby, and the Lobby already consists of more than a few trainers.

For instance, 1-star Raids featuring Pokemon with CP ranging from 1500 to 3000 are easily conquerable, as they possess similar CP to Team GO Rocket Grunts. Trainers who can successfully defeat Grunts should have no trouble taking on 1-star Raids solo.

On the other hand, 3-star Raids feature Pokemon with CP exceeding 11,000. Despite the ability to deploy a team of six Pokemon during a Raid, battling a Raid Boss with five-digit CP remains challenging. Trainers who cannot defeat the Raid Pokemon and have only one Pokemon remaining are likely to be expelled from the Raid once the timer expires. It is advisable, therefore, to tackle 3-star Raids with a group of fellow trainers.


Finally, Remote Raid Passes are best utilized for Ultra Beasts, Legendary Pokemon, 5-star Raids, and Mega Raids. Given the immense difficulty associated with these Raids, it is crucial to employ the Remote Passes only when a substantial group is available to participate. Attempting treacherous Raids with just a trio of trainers is as futile as discarding the Remote Raid Pass altogether.

In summary:


Trainers seeking to solo a Raid should reserve their Remote Raid Passes exclusively for 1-star Raids.
Small groups of trainers may attempt 3-star Raids.

Large groups are recommended for Legendary/Mega/Ultra Beast/5-star Raids when utilizing Remote Raid Passes.

It is worth noting that using a Remote Raid Pass and failing to defeat the Raid Pokemon will result in the loss of the Pass, leading to missed opportunities. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise caution and preserve these valuable Passes rather than squandering them on every nearby Raid. Due to the increased prices of Remote Raid Passes, trainers are strongly encouraged to be selective with their usage.

Pokemon GO is available for mobile devices.