•  Ice-types have multiple weaknesses, including Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel. They are known for being glass cannons and getting knocked out easily.
  •  Some dual typing combinations can help offset Ice-type’s weaknesses and provide better defensive or offensive capabilities.
  •  Ice/Flying, Ice/Steel, Ice/Water, Ice/Ghost, and Ice/Ground are some of the best type combinations for Ice-type Pokemon, offering resistances, immunities, and offensive advantages.

It’s no secret in the Pokemon community that Ice-types are difficult to use. They have four different elemental weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel. What’s more, they are tied with Normal as the least resistant type, bearing a resistance only to Ice-type attacks. While many Ice-types can be offensively powerful, they are glass cannons, and are infamous for getting KO’d before they have a chance to show off their powerful attacks.


However, when it comes to dual typing, there are a few combinations out there that can help offset Ice-type’s disadvantages. Some of these give Ice-type Pokemon more resistances, or cover for their weaknesses. Others provide an even wider range of offensive coverage, making them worth training up to use in battle. For those who want to take advantage of this type’s super-effectiveness against Flying, Grass, Ground, and Dragon types, here are the best type combinations in which Ice-type Pokemon feature.


Updated September 29, 2023, by Demaris Oxman: Although Ice-types are sometimes maligned for their frailty, long-time Pokemon players know that these ‘mons can be stone-cold killers in the right hands. They dish out powerful hits and tend to have high Special Attack. What’s more, they are one of only three types to deal super-effective damage against formidable Dragon-type Pokemon. Still, with many weaknesses, few resistances, and poor defensive stats, many trainers grow frustrated when they can be taken out in one hit. To further help aspiring Ice-type trainers, this list has been updated to include detailed information on each combination’s type matchups in battle.




  • Weaknesses: Steel, Fire, Electric
  • Double Weaknesses: Rock
  • Resistances: Bug, Grass
  • Double Resistances: None
  • Immunities: Ground

When it comes to defense, this combination doesn’t do all that much to decrease Ice-type’s fragility. It has four weaknesses, one of which (Rock-type) is double, meaning these attacks deal 4x damage. However, its resistance to Bug and Grass means that this combo is slightly sturdier than a sole Ice-type. What’s more, Flying-type Pokemon are completely unaffected by Ground-type moves — and since Ice-type attacks deal super-effective damage to Ground-type Pokemon, this makes an Ice-Flying type the perfect choice for those hard hitters.

In terms of offense, access to Flying-type attacks boosted by STAB (the Same-Type Attack Bonus) are highly beneficial for Ice-types, as they help these Pokemon deal with one of their fatal weaknesses: Fighting-type Pokemon. Additionally, Flying-types have, on average, the highest Speed stats of all fully-evolved Pokemon. This gives Ice-Flying types an additional edge, as it allows them to get their attacks in before the opponent has a chance to hurt them.


The Best Ice/Flying Types


Currently, there are two Ice/Flying type Pokemon: Articuno and Delibird. Of these, Delibird is clearly the more easily obtainable in many games. Unfortunately, Delibird’s base stats are nothing extraordinary, having a base total of 330. With the right moves and some EV training, however, it can still be a valuable asset to an Ice-type team.


Articuno, though usually difficult to obtain, definitely has the stats to match its legendary status: it has a base total of 580, and is especially strong in its Special Defense. If caught, it’s worth adding to an Ice-type lover’s team.



  • Weaknesses: Ground
  • Double Weaknesses: Fighting, Fire
  • Resistances: Normal, Bug, Psychic, Fairy, Dragon, Grass, Flying
  • Double Resistances: Ice
  • Immunities: Poison

The Ice/Steel typing is an interesting case. It has two debilitating 4x weaknesses, Fighting and Fire, making attacks of those types a massive threat. However, the Steel-type’s laundry list of resistances helps make up for this, removing some of Ice-type’s fragility. With this secondary typing, Ice/Steel Pokemon are resistant to seven different types of attacks, not to mention a double resistance to Ice-type attacks.


Coupled with the Ice-type’s offensive advantage against Dragon, Grass, and Flying-types, this makes the Ice/Steel combination a perfect choice to take on these Pokemon. What’s more, Steel-type attacks deal super-effective damage to Fairy and Ice-types, making this combo a great option against those elements as well. Still, trainers must be mindful of their opponents’ movesets when using Ice/Steel types in battle — many non-Fighting-type Pokemon can learn Fighting-type moves, and can exploit the 4x weakness mentioned above.


The Best Ice/Steel Types


Alolan Sandshrew and its evolution Sandslash are the only Ice/Steel types, and have yet to appear in any game set outside Alola. For Gen 7 players, however, they’re well worth adding to the team. This regional form has great physical Attack and excellent physical Defense, meaning they can dish out damage as well as take it.



Two Pokemon Walrein together
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Rock, Grass, Electric
  • Double Weaknesses: None
  • Resistances: Water
  • Double Resistances: Ice
  • Immunities: None

The Water-typing nullifies Ice-type’s Fire weakness, one of its worst disadvantages. It is still left with four weaknesses, but none of them are double. What’s more, this typing gives Pokemon like Walrein plenty of tools to deal with Pokemon that pose a threat. Namely, although it’s weak to Rock and Grass Water- and Ice-type attacks, respectively, can take these threats out quickly.

Offensively, the combination of Water and Ice-type attacks can deal super-effective damage to five out of the ten most common Pokemon types: Rock, Grass, Fire, Ground, and Flying, as well as a few less-common types like Dragon. Ice/Water Pokemon may not be the powerhouses that some other dual-types are, but the manner in which the two typings cover for each other’s weaknesses demonstrates how useful a secondary typing can be for a fragile type like Ice.


The Best Ice/Water Types


Water is the most common type to be combined with Ice, with eight total Pokemon boasting this combo. Among these, though, the best option is Lapras, whose base stat total is 535. Its fantastic HP and strong defensive stats means it’s capable of taking hits, even from super-effective attacks. Its Attack and Special Attack are both decent and are roughly equal. The only drawback is that Lapras can be a little slow, but its other advantages make up for it.

Walrein isn’t far behind Lapras, with a base stat total of 530. Like Lapras, it has high HP and defensive stats, though its speed is a little lacking. As an advantage, it tends to be easier to come by than Lapras in the games where it appears. Its first evolution, Spheal, is fairly common and is easy to train up. Both Lapras and Walrein prove that, with the right type combination and stat spread, even a fragile Ice-type can be a tank.



Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Froslass
  • Weaknesses: Rock, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Dark
  • Double Weaknesses: None
  • Resistances: Poison, Ice, Bug
  • Double Resistances: None
  • Immunities: Normal, Fighting

Fighting-type Pokemon are the rarest of Ice-type’s weaknesses, but a great many Pokemon can still learn Fighting-type attacks, making them incredibly dangerous for Ice-types. This combination, though, renders a Pokemon completely immune to both Fighting and Normal-type moves, nullifying this weakness. Ghost-types also offer this combination a couple additional resistances, Poison and Bug.


In terms of offense, this secondary typing doesn’t add quite as much as others on this list, as Ghost-type attacks are only super effective against Psychic-types and other Ghost-types. However, considering the high Special damage that Psychic and Ghost attacks can often do, having a counter for these types is essential for any team. And combined with the offensive power of the Ice type, this combo makes a great Special sweeper for any Trainer


The Best Ice/Ghost Types

Froslass is the only Ice/Ghost type as of Gen 9 — and she’s not one to miss out on, with a respectable base stat total of 480. Though her defensive stats are a little lacking, Froslass boasts high Speed and solid Attack and Special Attack. Combined with her Snow Cloak ability, which boosts evasiveness in a hailstorm, Froslass can often take out enemies before they can land an attack of their own.



Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Mamoswine
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass
  • Double Weaknesses: None
  • Resistances: Poison
  • Double Resistances: None
  • Immunities: Electric

For a frail type like Ice, almost any combination that gives a Pokemon elemental immunities is a plus. With a secondary Ground typing, Swinub’s evolutionary line (the only Pokemon currently with this typing) boasts an immunity to Electric-type attacks. This is a plus for its defense, but the true strength of Ice/Ground, though, lies in offense.

Ground-type attacks deal super-effective damage to five different types: Poison, Electric, Fire, Rock, and Steel. None of these overlap with Ice-type’s offensive strengths, meaning that the combination of Ice and Ground-type attacks allows a trainer to deal huge damage to nine different types. What’s more, since Swinub’s line can also learn Rock-type and other attacks, it can end up being super-effective against over half of all Pokemon types with the right build.


Though Ice/Ground has a hefty five weaknesses, its offensive power allows these Pokemon to dispatch threats quite easily. By using both moves of both its STAB types, Piloswine and its relatives can dish out super-effective damage to three of its biggest threats: Grass, Steel, and Fire-type Pokemon.It does have to watch out for Fighting and Water-type moves, but can stand up to virtually any other type.


The Best Ice/Ground Types


As mentioned above, Swinuband its evolutions, Piloswine and Mamoswine, are the only Ice/Ground Pokemon as of Gen 9. Naturally, as the final evolution, Mamoswine is the strongest of the three, with a base stat total of 530. Its physical Attack is staggering, with a whopping base of 130. Its HP is fantastic as well, allowing it to take hits almost as well as it can dish them out. Its only weakness is its low Special Defense, so consider using Zinc or doing some EV training to raise this stat.