The augmented reality mobile video game Pokemon Go is one of the most popular mobile games around and has been since released back in 2016. It was developed and published by Niantic with help from Nintendo and The Pokemon Company. There are over 600 Pokemon to obtain at the moment, many of which require evolving

To evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon GO, the trainer needs Candy. This is a consumable resource unique to the specific Pokemon’s family (that also strengthens the Pokemon). Candy is acquired through capturing, hatching, transferring, evolving, using Rare Candy, walking Buddy Pokemon, feeding Pokemon berries, and trading. Many Pokemon only need some Candy for evolution — but some need astronomical amounts!

Updated on May 20, 2023, by Ben Painter:Pokemon Go is loved by fans, taking the game that captures so many hearts, well on the go. Instead of battling to earn XP to level up and evolve in the regular games, Pokemon Go uses candies. Candies work as points and gamers need a certain number of these points to evolve their virtual friends. Some need a few, but there are several Pokemon that require a large amount of candies to unlock their next stage.

Candies are acquired from catching that certain Pokemon, using Rare Candies or by walking with a Buddy Pokemon. Magikarp is a prime example of this, it needs a staggering 400 Magikarp candies to evolve into the powerful Gyarados. This list adds six new Pokemon which are the most expensive to evolve on the game.

17Seadra To Kingdra

Pokemon Kingdra

Seadra is a Water-type Pokemon that evolves into Kingdra (Water and Dragon-type) after eating a decent amount of Candy — 100, to be precise. Also, this greedy little seahorse requires a Dragon Scale too.

Its Quick moves are Dragon Breath (Dragon), Waterfall (Water), and Water Gun (Water). Kingdra’s Charge moves are Blizzard (Ice), Hydro Pump (Water), Outrage (Dragon), and Octazooka (Water).

At Level 50, it has a Max CP of 2,986, an Attack of 194, a Defense of 194, and a Stamina of 181. Kingdra does alright in the Great League, and even better in the Ultra League. There are better Water-type and Dragon-type Pokemon out there, but the dual typing does wonders. As for the Master League, do not even bother. It will perish disastrously.

16Magneton To Magnezone

Pokemon Magnezone, Magneton, Magnemite

Magneton is an Electric and Steel-type Pokemon that evolves into Magnezone after consuming a lot of Candy — 100 actually. (Magneton itself evolves from Magnemite after eating 25 Candy too, so it is more like 125 Candy!) On top of that, this entitled cluster of magnets requires the trainer to evolve it while in range of a PokeStop that has the Magnetic Lure Module attached.

Magnezone’s Quick moves are Charge Beam (Electric) and Spark (Electric). Its Charge moves are Flash Cannon (Steel), Mirror Shot (Steel), Wild Charge (Electric), and Zap Cannon (Electric).

At Level 50, Magnezone has a Max CP of 3,623, an Attack of 238, a Defense of 205, and a Stamina of 172. It actually does okay in the Great League and performs even better in the Master League. Magnezone, however, does less than okay in the Ultra League.

15Snorunt To Froslass

Pokemon Froslass

Snorunt is an Ice-type Pokemon that evolves into Froslass (Ice and Ghost-type) after swallowing a hundred (100) Candy. But if that Snorunt is male? Nope. It will become a Glalie (Ice-type). Female though? Froslass! However, there is one more thing it requires: a Sinnoh Stone.

Froslass’s Quick moves are Powder Snow (Ice) and Hex (Ghost). Its Charge moves are Shadow Ball (Ghost), Avalance (Ice), and Crunch (Dark).

At Level 50, Froslass has a Max CP of 2,306, an Attack of 238, a Defense of 205, and a Stamina of 172. When competing in the Great League, it battles nicely!

14Kirlia To Gallade

Pokemon Gallade

Kirlia is a Psychic-type Pokemon that evolves into Gallade (Psychic and Fighting-type) after munching on a whopping 100 Candy. (Kirlia itself evolves from Ralts after consuming 25 Candy too, so it is really 125 Candy when you think about it!) However, Kirlia needs to be male, because if it is female then it will evolve into Gardevoir. Also, Kirlia needs a Sinnoh Stone on top of everything else.

Gallade’s Quick moves are Low Kick (Fighting), Confusion (Psychic), and Charm (Fairy). Its Charge moves are Psychic (Psychic), Leaf Blade (Grass), Close Combat (Fighting), and Sycnhronoise (Psychic). When in Shadow mode, Gallade has Frustration (Normal), and Return (Normal) when Purified.

At Level 50, Gallade has a Max CP of 3,497, an Attack of 237, a Defense of 195, and a Stamina of 169. All around, it is not bad in competitions. Gallade performs mediocrely in the Master League, decently in the Ultra League, and better than average in the Great League.

13Feebas To Milotic

Pokemon Milotic

Feebas is a Water-type Pokemon that evolves into Milotic once it stomachs around a hundred Candy, give or take (not actually, 100 on the dot). That being said, this ugly little fish needs more than just sweets to become a big beautiful serpent. The trainer must walk an extraordinary distance with Feebas as their buddy — 20 kilometers!

Milotic’s Quick moves are Dragon Tail (Dragon), Waterfall (Water), and Water Gun (Water). Its Charge moves are Hyper Beam (Normal), Blizzard (Ice), and Surf (Water).

At Level 50, Milotic has a Max CP of 3,398, an Attack of 192, a Defense of 219, and a Stamina of 216. Unfortunately, it fights poorly in every competition (Great League, Ultra League, and Master League). Milotic will survive a bit in the Ultra League and Master League, but there are just better choices out there for Water-type Pokemon.

12Shelmet To Accelgor

Accelgor In The Pokemon Anime

Gamers will need 200 Candy to evolve Shelmet into Accelgor, however, there is a way around this through trade, requiring no candies at all. This may be difficult without a friend who also plays the game.

Accelgor is a Bug type and has Acid (Poison) and Infestation (Bug) as its Quick Moves. With Bug Buzz (Bug), Signal Beam (Bug), Focus Blast (Fighting) and Acid Spray (Poison) as its Charge Moves.

Its Max CP is 2,441 with 220 Attack, 120 Defense and 190 Stamina, sadly not a great Pokemon with a lot of weakness thanks to its Bug typing. If players cannot trade to evolve then gathering 200 candies for this may not be worth it at all.

11Karrablast To Escavalier

Escavalier In The Pokemon Anime

Another Bug Pokemon and just like Shelmet, Karrablast requires 200 Candy to evolve into its second form Escavalier, but this can be completely skipped with a trade. Karrablast and Shelmet, in the mainline games only evolve in a trade with each other.

Escavalier gains the Steel secondary typing with this evolution and its Quick Moves are Bug Bite (Bug) and Counter (Fighting). Megahorn (Bug), Aerial Ace (Flying), Drill Run (Ground) and Acid Spray (Poison) make up its pool of Charged Attacks, offering a wide coverage of types.

It can reach a Max CP of 2,889 with 223 Attack, 187 Defense and 172 Stamina, a better Pokemon overall than its sibling Accelgor, if gamers need to choose between the two then Escavalier is the way to go.

10Boldore To Gigalith

Gigalith In The Pokemon Anime

200 Candy is the price to evolve Boldore into its final form of Gigalith, this is after a 50 Candy evolution from Roggenrola to Boldore.

A pure Rock type, and one of the best in the game at that. Its shiny form is certainly one of the best that GameFreak has ever produced. Mud-Slap (Ground), Smack Down (Rock) make up its Quick Move options were Rock Slide (Rock), Solar Beam (Grass), Heavy Slam (Steel) and Superpower (Fighting).

It can reach 3,228 at its Max Cp with 226 Attack, 201 Defense and Stamina 198, a great Rock type to use and with its Rock moves it will slam down Ice, Flying, Fire and Bug ‘mons.


9Gurdurr To Conkeldurr

Conkeldurr In The Pokemon Anime

Conkeldurr will require 200 Candy to acquire from a Gurdurr and this is after a 50 Candy evolution from a Timburr. However, this is completely worth it as fans will have a really solid Fighting type Pokemon for use in Gym Battles, Raids or in the Battle League.

It has access to Poison Jab (Poison) and Counter (Fighting) as its Quick Moves and also Stone Edge (Rock), Dynamic Punch (Fighting) and Focus Blast as its Charged Moves.

With a staggering 3,337 as its Max Cp with 243 Attack, 158, Defense and 233 Stamina, Conkeldurr will decimate Rock and Normal types, so it is worth its pricey evolution.

8Stufful To Bewear

Stufful & Bewear In The Pokemon Anime

Coming it a whopping 400 Candies is Stufful to Bewear, gamers will need to stock up on those Stufful candy to evolve into this still adorable Pokemon.

Bewear is a Normal/Fighting Pokemon, a rare combination and its Quick Moves are Low Kick (Fighting), Shadow Claw (Ghost) and Tackle (Normal). Stomp (Normal), Superpower (Fighting), Payback (Dark) and Drain Punch (Fighting) are the options for Charged attacks.

Its Max Cp is 3,117 with 226 Attack, 141 Defense and 260 Stamina, Bewear is a solid Pokemon to use in the game with its varied moveset. If gamers were smart and used the Stufful community day to rack up those candies then Bewear’s evolution will be easily acquired.

7Wimpod To Golisopod

Wimpod & Golisopod In Pokemon Go

Unlike Stufful, Wimpod has not received a Community Day just yet, so many fans will not have a Golisopod that requires a whopping 400 Candy to evolve.

A Bug/Water Pokemon with some solid move variation, Fury Cutter (Bug), Metal Claw (Steel), Waterfall (Water) and Shadow Claw (Ghost) are its Quick Moves. Aerial Ace (Flying), Aqua Jet (Water) and X-Scissor (Bug) make up its movepool of Charged Moves.

Its Max Cp is 3.162, but its stats are where it shines with a balanced 218 Attack, 226 Defense and 181 Stamina. Well worth the 400 Candies that it requires to evolve. Make sure to select Wimpod as the Buddy Pokemon.

6Magikarp To Gyarados

Pokemon Gyarados

Magikarp is a Water-type Pokemon that evolves into Gyarados (Water and Flying-type) with a lot of Candy…seriously, like a lot, a lot — 400, to be exact.

Its Quick moves are Bite (Dark), Waterfall (Water), Dragon Breath (Dragon), and Dragon Tail (Dragon). Gyarados’s Charge moves are Hydro Pump (Water), Outrage (Dragon), Crunch (Dark), Twister (Dragon), Aqua Tail (Water), and Dragon Pulse (Water). When in Shadow form, it has Frustration (Normal), and when Purified, it has Return (Normal).

At Level 50, Gyarados has a Max CP of 3,834, an Attack of 171, a Defense of 150, and a Stamina of 172. While it does not do good at all in the Great League, Gyarados shines in the Ultra League and can hold its own in Master League.

5Swablu To Altaria

Pokemon Altaria Angry

Swablu is a Flying-type Pokemon that evolves into Altaria (Dragon and Flying-type) after the little bird is stuffed with a massive amount of Candy — 400!

Its Quick moves are Dragon Breath (Dragon) and Peck (Flying). Altaria’s Charge moves are Dragon Pulse (Dragon), Dazzling Gleam (Fairy), and Sky Attack (Flying).

At Level 50, it has a Max CP of 2,266, an Attack of 141, a Defense of 201, and a Stamina of 181. Altaria does phenomenally in the Great League as well as the Ultra League. It is a must-have for those in need of a bulky fighter.

4Wailmer To Wailord

Pokemon Wailord

Wailmer is a Water-type Pokemon that evolves into Wailord once the massive whale absorbs a boatload (pun intended) of Candy — 400 will do.

Its Quick moves are Water Gun (Water) and Zen Headbutt (Psychic). Wailord’s Charge moves are Hyper Beam (Normal), Blizzard (Ice), and Surf (Water).

At Level 50, it has a Max CP of 2,577, an Attack of 175, a Defense of 87, and a Stamina of 347. Despite Wailord’s impressively one-sided stats, it flops in the competitive leagues found in the game.

3Noibat To Noivern

Pokemon Noivern

Noibat is a Flying- and Dragon-type Pokemon that evolves into Noivern when the little bat sinks its fangs into a huge bowl of 400 Candy.

Its Quick moves are Bite (Dark) and Air Slash (Flying). Noivern’s Charge moves are Heat Wave (Fire), Psychic (Psychic), Hurricane (Flying), and Draco Meteor (Dragon).

At Level 50, it has a Max CP of 3,125, an Attack of 205, a Defense of 175, and a Stamina of 198. Noivern is unfortunately not useful in battle in any of the competitive leagues.

2Meltan To Melmetal

Pokemon Melmetal Battle

Meltan is a Steel-type Pokemon that evolves into Melmetal following the little metal fella being force-fed enough Candy to make it explode (400).

Its Quick move is Thunder Shock (Electric. Melmetal’s Charge moves are Hyper Beam (Normal), Flash Cannon (Steel), Rock Slide (Rock), Thunderbolt (Electric), and Superpower (Fighting).

At Level 50, it has a Max CP of 4,069, an Attack of 226, a Defense of 190, and a Stamina of 264. Melmetal is a strong contender in the Great League and the Ultra League, but in the Master League? It is the top dog.

1Getting Candy & Candy XL

pokemon go candy for rare generation 1 pokemon

How To Get Candy – Catching Pokemon

There are quite a few ways to get Candy in Pokemon GO, and one of the best ways is to catch Pokemon. Here are the following yields of Candy for catching Pokemon:

  • Catching a stage 1 Pokemon – 3 Candy
  • Catching a stage 2 Pokemon – 5 Candy
  • Catching a stage 3 Pokemon – 10 Candy

Players can get double the regular Candy yield if they feed the Pokemon a Pinap Berry, so be sure to use such consumables if one is Candy farming.

How To Get Candy – Hatching Eggs

Every time that a trainer hatches an egg, they get some Candy for that species, though the amount will vary depending on how many steps it takes to hatch an egg.

  • Eggs that take 2 kilometers or less to hatch will yield between 5 and 15 Candy
  • Eggs that take between 5 and 7 kilometers to hatch will yield between 10 and 21 Candy
  • Eggs that take between 10 and 12 kilometers to hatch will yield between 16 and 32 Candy

How To Get Candy – Trading Pokemon

This tactic won’t give players much Candy, though, if trading with another trainer who is from far away, this can be a decent method of gaining a bit of Candy.

  • Trading Pokemon that were caught less than 10 kilometers from each other will yield 1 Candy
  • Trading Pokemon that were caught between 10 kilometers and 100 kilometers from each other will yield 2 Candy
  • Trading Pokemon that were caught more than 100 kilometers from each other will yield 3 Candy

How To Get Candy – Other Minor Methods

Catching Pokemon and hatching eggs are definitely the best way to acquire Candy, however, there are some other methods that can be slightly helpful.

  • Transferring a Pokemon will yield 1 Candy
  • Evolving a Pokemon will yield 1 Candy
  • Using a Rare Candy will yield 1 Candy
  • Players can use the Buddy mechanic to gain Candy on occasion
  • Players can feed their Pokemon berries at a Gym to get Candy on the rare occasion

How To Get Candy XL

Getting this form of larger Candy will only be possible after trainers have reached level 40. Furthermore, players can only see and start farming them in earnest after acquiring at least 1 kind of Candy XL from a specific species.

Candy XL can be obtained through similar methods of Candy if trainers are above level 40, however, the most reliable way to farm it is to catch certain kinds of wild Pokemon while one’s owned Pokemon are high level–the higher the better.

  • Catching a Pokemon at a high level can possibly yield between 1 and 3 Candy XL

It should also be mentioned that catching stage 2 Pokemon at high levels will guarantee 1 Candy XL while catching a stage 3 Pokemon in similar circumstances will guarantee 2 Candy XL. On top of this, catching a legendary or mythic Pokemon will grant a guaranteed drop of 3 Candy XL.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.