A massive change will be introduced to Pokemon GO‘s treatment of Rare Candy XL, a Pokemon game world commodity used to increase XP without having to battle other creatures. Naturally, Rare Candy made its way into Pokemon GO with a similar function. From the word itself, it was a rare item that randomly appeared as a reward for Special Research Tasks or even as an uncommon award for walking 25km. Rare Candy differs from Candy as the former can be used on any Pokemon, while the latter is reserved specifically for certain Pokemon whom the Candies are named after.


An even more difficult item to earn is Pokemon GO‘s Rare Candy XL. This item could be used for Pokemon that have reached level 40 and can be consumed to get to level 50. The number of Candy XLs needed may vary depending on the Pokemon’s CP, or Combat Power. Previously, trainers could receive a total of 31 Rare Candy XL as they increased their Trainer level from 41 to 50. There are a few more ways to farm the item via certain Field Research or completing 3-star and above Pokemon raids. However, a change is being introduced regarding Rare Candy XL drops.

According to a tweet by PokeMiners, Rare Candy XL drops will now start from level 31 instead of at 40. PokeMiners is a group of data miners that find data, leaks, and upcoming features in Pokemon GO. The team was also responsible for uncovering information such as the return of Team Magma to Pokemon GO and other things like Pokemon Contests.

This may serve as good news for those who are currently grinding to reach Pokemon GO‘s higher-level gameplay. Increasing Pokemon CPs in Pokemon GO is already a tedious task. Trainers will need to rely on Rare Candy and Rare Candy XL to improve their team should they choose to compete toward the endgame content. Introducing Rare Candy XL earlier in a player’s journey helps encourage replayability and longevity. This may also help define future content. Should Niantic choose to introduce new mechanics for latter levels, the entry point for new gamers may at least be easier to achieve.

Pokemon GO is showing minimal signs of slowdown. This new change will help usher in more players as this could lead to a renewal of interest in those who’ve stopped playing and could also be a way to lure new trainers into investing time to level up their Pokemon. In a way, this could help gamers reach the levels they desire so they can compete for higher stakes with their stronger team.

Pokemon GO is currently available on Mobile.