Who We Are?

Our Mission

Pokemon & Pokemon Video games had humble beginnings, as anyone playing Pong in a dimly-lit bar in the 1997. can tell you. From those roots, gaming has grown to be perhaps the dominant form of artistic and cultural expression in the 21st century. It’s a field where technology blends seamlessly with creativity, where art competes with the demands of commerce, and where massive, world-spanning cutting-edge games can stand side-by-side with small independent creative visions. Unfortunately, through these changes, writing about games hasn’t seemed to progress.

Extraordinary Experiences

That’s where we come in.

At horizonspokemon.com, we believe that gaming deserves writing that matches its creativity and vitality. We don’t just share the same headlines that everyone else does. We strive to provide in-depth content you won’t find anywhere else. We don’t just tell you what we think: we generate discussion with our in-depth, expert-driven content.

  • Reviews. We don’t just tell you if a game is awesome. We want you to understand the experience playing it, as well as the story behind the game. Game reviews can and should be just as mature and in-depth as the best film criticism, and that’s what we go for.
  • Original insight. An industry that changes as quickly and decisively as gaming needs to be understood by those most affected. We let you understand where the field is, and where it is going. From technological advances to business shakeups, we keep you up-to-date on what matters most.
  • Informed Analysis: Our writers are gamers, programmers, and industry insiders. Everything we write comes from that crucial intersection of knowledge and fandom, giving you a broader insight than you’ll find anywhere else.
  • Thoughtful discussions. Our opinions aren’t the last word- they’re just the beginning. We want to generate interesting, fun, troll-free discussions of games and gaming.

We’re passionate experts. We love gaming, and we want to share that passion with you, and hope to create a space where you can share your thoughts. We love the history of games, and can’t wait to see where they go next. We’re excited to bring our brand of thoughtful and informed opinions with them.

Our Core Values